Free To Be Me

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 15:10a KJV

But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; . . .

In the world there is always a geological comparison made between people. In other words people of the same community will compare every person of that community with the “so-called” norm. Thus, the norm is acceptable while the abnormal is not. The problem is who defines what the norm is and does such a defined norm exist for all the people of that community? This comparison usually involves at least seven different issues (characteristics and/or topics), age, career, gender, morality, religion, ethnicity and income. So the people with similar characteristics will always be drawn to a closer relationship then those who think, act and sometimes look differently than them. In the upcoming weeks we will briefly discuss each characteristic as it relates (pertains) to being free in Christ Jesus. As we know the Lord Loves us deeply and He created us uniquely so why should my lifestyle or characteristics be judged by another person. The fact of the matter is it should not. Judge not lest you be judged.-Matthew 7:1 However, many people make the common mistake of expecting others to be like them. This is contrary to sound biblical doctrine and this selfish position has caused much harm and hurt in the Body of Christ. Yes, we (ihlcc) would go further to say not only is this a problem in Christianity but it is a huge problem worldwide for both believers in God and unbelievers against God. Yes, the “Amens”, the “ah man” and “all men” struggle to allow all other people their complete freedom from condemnation of human opinion. Why, is this challenge so difficult? It is solely because allowing someone to be completely who they are requires God’s Grace. Yes, the Grace of God allows “you to be you” and “me to me”. We (ihlcc) will go on to say, “Whether you are a good or bad person” the grace of God still respectfully shows you God’s loves for you if given expression. The same grace that allows sinners to become saints also allows sinners to go to hell for rejecting God or being rebellious against God. Notice the Apostle said, “By the grace of God I am what I am” and if you read this verse in its complete context the apostle was pointing out some evil deeds he executed in his past. This confirms that fact that God will allow “you to be you” simple through His unfailing grace and mercy. Some people think that God will force His will over your will if there is some type of conflict but that is not true. No the Lord Himself will allow you to learn and develop into whatever you want to be, whether good, bad or neither. Of course the Lord is very pleased with those people in the earth who purpose to do His Will while they are on the earth but He will by no means override your desire if it is contrary to His. Yes, the Lord can change your hearts desires but you have to give Him permission to do so. The Lord is very gracious and full of compassion so He would rather be invited into your life through your acknowledgement of His Lordship and mercy then to use you as a robot whose heart is not sincerely open to God’s leadership. On that foundation it is sad that so many people choose to judge your words, actions and intentions by their own thoughts, principles and precepts. This is rarely discussed so we (ihlcc) will take our time when diving into each one of these characteristic one-by-one starting next week with “age”. We pray that you absorb the truths of these teachings because as soon as you are more knowledgeable you are automatically more empowered to present more of God’s Light to people in darkness in the earth in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!